Social Media Avatars – Icon Set

Description & details
Looking for super shiny social media avatars? Well it just so happens that here we have a collection of perfectly polished avatars hailing straight from the Vectorize Image vaults. Here’s a great collection of social media avatars in varying colours, dimensions and covering a wide variety of social media sites. These images are free for personal use. Loving our graphical work? Well we rather like bringing you free vectors. We’d love if you could support this ongoing work by giving us a share, comment or credit where our files are used too! 🙂
Format: PNG
Smart Objects: Yes
Dimensions: 1024x1024px, 768x768px, 512x512px, 256x256px, 128x128px, 96x96px, 72x72px, 64x64px
Size: 24,5 Mb
Smart Objects: Yes
Dimensions: 1024x1024px, 768x768px, 512x512px, 256x256px, 128x128px, 96x96px, 72x72px, 64x64px
Size: 24,5 Mb