How to vectorize a signature
This article provides detailed instructions on how to vectorize a signature. Signature vectorization is for anyone interested in converting a handwritten signature into a scalable, editable digital format that is not blurry or pixelated. Vector signatures are required in digital printing or laser technologies.
Why Vectorize a Signature?
Here are a few reasons why you should convert your signature to vector format.
The vector signature can be enlarged to any size without losing quality. Whether printed on a business card or a billboard, it will always look flawless and perfect.
Option to edit
A vector signature can be edited, unlike its bitmap version. In the graphic editor, you may set its line thickness or color.
You need a sharp signature with a high-quality look for corporate matters and documents. You definitely don’t want your signature on a document to be smudged.
How to vectorize a signature
There are two options for getting a high-quality digital signature. The first option is free, but the vectorization result is lower quality. The second option costs more, but the generated signature looks more professional.
1. Automatic signature vectorization
With more time to prepare a high-quality bitmap file, you can get a vector signature for free.
1. Sign yourself on a clean white sheet of paper.
2. Scan this signature using a scanner (300 dpi or more) and save the file in JPG format.
3. In most cases, you have scanned A4 paper format. Therefore, cut the unnecessary white space around the signature in the image cropping application.
4. Upload the signature bitmap file to a free vectorization tool.
5. Export an SVG signature file for further editing in a free vector editor. With this graphic application, you may change the signature’s color or add a company logo above.
2. Manual signature vectorization
Let a graphic designer convert your signature into a digital format to be proud of.
1. Take a photo of your signature using your mobile phone.
2. Go to the main page of our vectorization service and send the photographed signature via the contact form.
3. The graphic designer will process it, and you will receive the vector files of the signature.
Where to use your vector signature
A few examples of where to use a vector signature.
Digital printing
Signatures can be part of flyers, business cards, or other printed business materials. To make your company look professional and successful, you need a sharp signature with perfect lines.
If you often sign and want to save time, the ideal solution is a stamp with your signature. This will make processes in the company more efficient, and if you are not available at a certain moment, employees can also sign the document with your signature.
Office Software
Company documents, contracts, and directives created in Microsoft Word or other office software usually include a signature. Add it to the document using a PNG file with a transparent background and high resolution.
Team or business pages can include owner or employee signatures to look trustworthy. Since vector graphic files can be used on websites, add a top-quality signature to your company website as well.
Vectorizing your signature is a simple process that significantly improves its usability across digital platforms or print. Whether you use graphic software or online applications, you can easily convert your signature into a scalable vector format using the guide in this blog.